Our Youth
Discover the amazing advocacy that resides within this community! Hear from other like-minded Youth who are tasked with advocating for the rights, needs and interests of Off-Reserve Indigenous youth at the national level.

Bradley Cooper
Charlottetown, PE
"When polled, 6 of 7 Indigenous Youth do not know what UNDRIP is and how it affects them. Our youth require education, information, and an understanding of their rights."
Jacob Parnell
Skidegate, BC
"Throughout the pandemic government has restricted access to culture, gatherings, and teachings. COVID-19 legacy funding to recover our culture through cultural camps and the sharing of teachings needs to be a priority as many Elders were lost to the virus. There are only a few left now that can pass on that to the Youth."
Tess Lavallee-Poitras
La Ronge, SK
"The pandemic has taught us that adequate technological infrastructure touches on the right for Indigenous people to access education, there are hardware requirements necessary for education other than our phones"
Jacob Parnell
Skidegate, BC
"Youth homelessness can be found in every municipal setting, and Indigenous youth are disproportionately represented among the homeless population."
Keanu Simard
Hallow Water First Nation, MB
"It is up to us to keep our minds and our hearts strong after the pandemic, we need community led resources from within to recover and make progress."

"We celebrate Indigenous youth that have overcome addiction and our youth require access to Indigenous led healing and recovery programs."
Jacob Parnell
Skidegate, BC
"Our people go underdiagnosed and over medicated, what our vulnerable population needs are pathways to healing and incarceration is not a solution to medical conditions and addiction. We need Indigenous Doctors and Indigenous led healing and treatment."
Tess Lavallee-Poitras
La Ronge, SK
"We live in a cycle where it's hard to find employment when you don't have housing and you can't find housing without adequate employment. We need to break this cycle across Turtle Island!"